donderdag 19 juli 2012

battlefield survivor

Silence was the first thing I became aware of. Unaware that the battle was won. The last thing I could remember was the axe coming towards me and when I woke up again I was in the tent for the wounded and dying. The weird part of it was that I was the only one in there. I tried to move, sit upright but I was unable to, bound by my wrists and ankles to the bed. The tent opening went open and a couple of heads appeared. They looked familiar but the expression on their faces was a surprise and i saw that Happiness and fear were fighting on their faces. The heads disappeared again to make place for another one. Her I did know. She was the one that lead us on the battlefield. "You gave us quite a scare" was the first thing she said. Slowly she walked in and sat down on the side of my bed and after giving me a worried look, she started telling. Apparently just before the axe struck me something extraordinary had happened. The fear of dying had awoken a dormant power within me. Friend and foe died in a massive explosion that seemed to emanate from within me. It was the power of my people.

woensdag 18 juli 2012

sun rays in the city

The darkness disappeared and the heavy rains that plagued the city became wind. Although there were still few people on the streets of the city I felt the change as something good. The rest that the city breathed after the violence of the storm was inspiring. The first sun rays touched my face and I closed my eyes to enjoy just their warmth. Thick droplets from the wet trees and the street shone golden in the light of the sun. An empty city in the first sun rays is a beautiful sight and for just a short moment you will imagine yourself in an abandoned city.

talking, thinking, standing

What would a statue think if it could?
Standing all day long on the same spot while people are walking by, taking pictures, laughing while pointing at you. Would a statue think "Leave me alone." or would it stand in position just for the pictures? It would be something extraordinary if you found a statue suddenly talking to you. Stone and iron that moves, making gestures – of course presuming that it’s not abstract art. It would be a bit weird if abstract art were to suddenly be walking down the street. Me personally, I wouldn't want that. For what I'm concerned it’s better that statues can't talk or think but just stand.

dinsdag 17 juli 2012


The water was flowing in the channels that were made in the side of the streets. The city was standing in the river and the water had to flow somewhere. So was the birth of the channels that everybody used. Some were covered and were used for the waste of all kinds of the city. They people made sure that the waste did get removed from the water before sending it back in the river. Other channels were used for the drinking water. The sight of the half full channels with clean clear water is fantastic as it's flowing down the city that gave it its name: Watercity.